I'm alive! I survived high school teaching, and I LOVED it! So it's time to catch up.
1. Putting in some work!
To earn my 9-12 English License I have to complete a teaching portfolio. That means I have to show proof of having the knowledge and/or capability of 65 standards. I've already started it, but it's my summer project!
2. Summer book list.
Last summer I spent a lot of time looking at all the new curriculum. After teaching classes I have a better idea of what I can adjust or add. I'm mostly looking at Young Adult and science fiction. This first book was great! I laughed and cried, it's very relatable for some of my students, and it isn't the stereotypical ending.
3. Prioritizing!
My husband worked his tail off and earned his goal job. I don't call it a dream job because it's law enforcement and while it's everything he (with our support) has worked for it doesn't come without struggle. Either way, we're over the moon excited. He has a schedule that's going to be more set and will allow us to spend more time together this summer. We already had a breakfast date, just the two of us!
4. My new show!
We ditched cable and have been using Amazon Prime for the majority of our TV entertainment. At first the idea of no Scandal, Grey's, or Chicago Fire and PD, was scary, but then I realized how much I wasn't actually watching. I love the Good Wife! I'm currently on Season 2, so close to finishing it.
5. Back in the pool!
I've backed off running a bit and have been back in the pool. It's weird how morning practice before school was always the worst in high school. I hated it and always felt tired. Yet now, getting in a few thousand yards before school makes my day. I'm also setting up a time to meet with a trainer to look at some strength training. I'm excited for this summer and having some time to focus on my health.
So I'm back! Can't wait to catch up with the world of blogging!
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
5 days ago