About Me

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I'm a mid twenties girl. Who has the cutest two boys ever. I'm married to the best hubby ever (aka the Man). I'm also a teacher of sixth grade with a masters degree in Education. I'd rather be busy than bored. I love things bright and beautiful and my family means the world to me.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It's Teacher Week! All about me!

As usual I'm a day behind. But this is one of my favorite weeks because its all about my favorite people- TEACHERS!!!
Let's see, 10 things about me......

  1. I teach sixth grade- whoop, whoop!! Love me some middle schoolers. This is my fifth year in sixth and I'm super excited to get back in the classroom and try some new things this year. 
  2. I'm a math nerd!

     It's seriously my favorite part of the day. I'm trying math interactive notebooks this year- stay tuned for updates.
      3.  This summer I have become obsessed with fonts. I sat down one day and downloaded the files to three computers so I wouldn't have to worry about switching files and something not working.
     4.  I very much recommend the Erin Condren planner if you're someone who keeps track of  A LOT of stuff. If you're not, than it's not worth the money. This year I tried the Lesson Planner instead on the Life Planner and I don't feel the same connection. We'll see how it goes. 
    5. I'm going back to school for my K-12 Reading Certificate. I'm one class in and so far I'm rethinking a lot of what I do in the classroom.
    6. Yesterday, for the second time in my life, I ran for an hour. I'm training for a 10K so it felt really good to accomplish that.
    7. I'm slightly addicted to bright color pants. I picked up a pair of green capris at the end of the school year and it took off from there. I've added purple capris, neon pink shorts, and I love these- they may end up in my closet.
    8.  I've always enjoyed a good binder, a while mine aren't monogramed I did label them by subject.
   9. I've started working on eliminating gluten from my diet. It's not full blown yet but I've stopped eating a lot of foods and my system had improved loads!
   10. While it might not seem so on the blog, I'm crazy about staying organized. I like schedules and deadlines. Blogging on time..... we'll work on that.