About Me

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I'm a mid twenties girl. Who has the cutest two boys ever. I'm married to the best hubby ever (aka the Man). I'm also a teacher of sixth grade with a masters degree in Education. I'd rather be busy than bored. I love things bright and beautiful and my family means the world to me.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What I Wore Wednesday

For the last few Wednesdays I've been following Babbling Abby's fashion posts.

While I clearly have to figure out the lighting for this new endeavor I think it's kind of interesting to look back on what I've worn.
 #1 Casual Friday
Top: Old Navy (super comfy, would be great with leggings)
Bottoms: AE Boyfriends (love)

 #2 Empire Love
  Top: Gap (the Man spotted this and knew I had already been lusting it)
Bottoms: Ankle slacks from NY and Co. (these are super old, but they've never faded and I could wear them all year except that they're a little short)

 #3 Channeling a Zebra
Top: NY and Co (every year they come out with new colors of these shirts and every year I pick up a couple)
Cardigan: NY and Co (the high school girls loved the sweater this day, its was a little odd being stopped in the hall by them)
Bottom: Gap Trouser pant (circa "08, much different fit than this years)

#4 Finally Boot time

Top: Gap (this is so old, but they haven't had a 3/4 in SO long)
Bottom: Gap 
Necklace: NY and Co

#5 Fall back

Top: Gap (favorite sweater EVER. So wish I had bought every color made, I can wear this with everything!!)
Bottoms: Gap trouser (these actually have a pattern that isn't captured, but I love them)

Okay so after looking back, can you tell where my part-time job is? HMMMM, could it be the Gap? Alright, I'm off to make a science method quiz- fun, fun!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

No Friday night Target trips for this Mama

Friday night the boys were hanging out and I needed to get out. A fellow teacher had mentioned seeing some cute Halloween treats in the $1 section at Target so I of course had to check them out. What I returned with got a not so nice lovely look for the Man.
In my defense, the two bowls, towel sets, pumpkin luminaries, and nail polish were under $1 each. I needed new foundation and hair bands. Plus I'm ADDICTED to the Glade candles- they are awesome. The shirt was returned yesterday for our actual grocery trip. I just hate taking the time to try stuff on. That, and I was wearing my comfiest pants and sweatshirt, so there was no getting me out of those.

***Please excuse the laundry behind my finds. I was trying to figure out what was on the table. The Man's jeans gave it away. Everyone uses their table for laundry folding right?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back to school at our house!

Me-Last Tuesday I had 24 students come walking in my door ready scared to death of sixth grade. I really like my class.  Some are a little immature and the parents are a bit clingy, but so far so good. I have some strong personalities which I think will come out a lot more as time goes on. Were pushing PLC's again this year which should be interesting to say the least.

Tucker- He's back in preschool 3 days a week and loves it. I love that we got back into his same school from last year, it's awesome and the teacher's are so great. Only 2 of his "old friends" are in his class because last year had a lot of graduates. So between those kids and my niece, Tucker seems to think that he'll be SUPER ready for kindergarten next week, since he "grew a WHOLE lot this summer". Obviously that won't be happening but he thinks he's ready. The scary thing is, is that he truly is, and my baby isn't a baby any more.

The Man - After talking with his advisers he will be graduating this May with his A.A. in IT (information technology). BUT after spending some time with our neighbor and researching, plus a few late night discussions at home he's decided he might be going back in the fall. It would be another career change, but one I can really see him loving. I'm hesitant just because of the career itself, but I've always believed that loving your job everyday is a top priority when selecting your career. A few things are getting sorted out such as where he would go to school, how long it might take, and what about all the credits he's earned so far. So any guesses as to what he might be when he grows up? I'll give you a hint, do think TOO fast or he might have to ask you to put your hands up and step away from the computer.

Has it been that long?

I will stop neglecting my blog.
I will stop neglecting my blog.
I will stop neglecting my blog.
I will stop neglecting my blog.
I will stop neglecting my blog.
I will stop neglecting my blog.
I will stop neglecting my blog.
I will stop neglecting my blog.
I will stop neglecting my blog.
I will stop neglecting my blog.
I will stop neglecting my blog.
I will stop neglecting my blog.

Tonight I will POST something new. I will do it, even if I have to send the Man to bed without a kiss, well okay maybe not quite that far. But I'll be back.