So we're still here! Last week was my last week off, and after being away from school since April I was stretching it for as long as I could. So we jammed packed our last week with trips to the State Fair, zoo, shopping, early school prep (yuck), and just being outside with my boys.
First off, this not-so little man is 4 months old. Actually, now he's 4 1/2 months old!
Stats for this month-
Length-66.5cm (87%)
Weight- 14.7 lbs (57%)
Clothes- 3-9 months pending on the brand
Diapers- size 3
Eating- 8 oz each feeding about every 3-4 hours
This face is totally his dad!
This is his serious face! I love it because it's almost always followed by a big smile. He's up to two bottom teeth, they took about a whole week to pop up and then be comfortably out. No sign of any more to come. He has such a great demeanor still, very laid back, and he seems to be comfortable with anyone who's comfortable with him.
And this is totally me, distracted by something else instead of looking at the camera.
He's super close to rolling back to front on his own, just not quite there.
We also had Ryker's Baptism this month. The service was outside and it was a beautiful day!
Here his godparents make their promises-
He did so well with the water, I think he was more disappointed that he wasnt getting a full bath!
Then, finally, his presentation to the audience.
The cake- I had to stop the Man doing the first cute because I forgot to take a picture! Oops!
Here's hoping you have a great weekend!
And because we can't do any photo session without our big bro!
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
3 days ago