About Me

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I'm a mid twenties girl. Who has the cutest two boys ever. I'm married to the best hubby ever (aka the Man). I'm also a teacher of sixth grade with a masters degree in Education. I'd rather be busy than bored. I love things bright and beautiful and my family means the world to me.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WIWW- and a countdown!!

So my camera isn't being friendly and is keeping some pictures held tightly within itself. I've tried charging the battery, turning off and on, saying sweet words, saying not so sweet words, but still they're in there. So here's two from the week, and a sneaky one.

 Cardigan and Top- NY and Co. (this shirt was so uncomfortable!!)
Pants- Gap Trousers

 Cardigan- Gap
White T- Gap or Old Navy
Trouser- Banana Republic
Necklace- NY and Co

 Shirt- hmmmm......
Pants- Target

Today I stopped at our pharmacy to pick up these- 
these aren't mine exactly, but you get the idea. So what does this mean? In 28 days, we're done with birth control- DONE!! When we set our "date" a year ago I never thought it would come, it seemed forever away. Now, 28 days!! Since I don't share my blog with my family, I plan to continue sharing what's going on- maybe not in a ton of detail. But this is my release, so stayed tuned!!!

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