- Some days Tucker loves going to school, on the days he doesn't there are small, tiny, little tears. Naturally his hormonal mother sheds her own small, tiny, little tears.
- My class this year likes to ask questions. About anything, everything, multiple times. I very much enjoy this class and think we'll have a lot of fun together- once we learn patience.
- The Man is doing awesome in school this semester, I love helping him study and helping him realize that he's doing such a great job.
- My birthday was last weekend and our baby gave me the best gift of very little nausea that day.
- All my school pants are too tight to button, luckily they stay zipped and I wear a belt. If my pants are just the slightest bit too tight my day does not go well.
- I weighed myself this morning and haven't gained anything, my boobs would disagree.
- Tucker is already showing more independence and he's only been in school two weeks. Someone is not a little boy anymore.
- The Man was extremely amazing and ran to Wendy's super late last night and got me the best snack EVER!
- Yesterday was not a good feeling day for me, so the Man and Tucker did errands with me, including Micheal's, Target, Kohl's, and Old Navy where hubs gave me a much needed opinion on maternity pants.
- I still haven't bought any maternity pants, but its not far off. Bras on the other hand........
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
3 days ago
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