About Me

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I'm a mid twenties girl. Who has the cutest two boys ever. I'm married to the best hubby ever (aka the Man). I'm also a teacher of sixth grade with a masters degree in Education. I'd rather be busy than bored. I love things bright and beautiful and my family means the world to me.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What's Up Wednesday!

I saw this a few times at Mix and Match Mama with Shay and Pinterest Told Me to with Scheaffer, today I decided to play along. 
1. What we're eating this week...
Ryker and I headed to the zoo so we had to make a pit stop on the way home for a yummy treat! So refreshing!

2. What I'm reminiscing About...
This week I signed a contract for a new teaching position in a different district. I plan on dedicating a separate post to the topic but I'm very excited yet it was tough to pack up and move after six years.

3. What I'm loving...
Summer! I'm a teacher, I'm straight up loving summer!
4. What we've been up to...

This weekend!! Clearing out some space and hopefully getting rid of a lot. 

5. What I'm dreading...
Nothing really, I'm hoping for some relaxation and continued good fortune. 
6. What I'm working on...
I meet with my new team mate tomorrow and she's going to go over my new classes and schedule, then I'm sure I'll be hitting the books!

7. What I'm excited about...
The Man has an interview early next week and some things in the works. I'm excited for him and some changes in his future. 

8. What I'm watching/reading...
I'm still working on this book, nonfiction always seems to take me longer. What I've read so far is so different from what was published early on. I was so young when it happened that I didn't follow the story for long and now I'm learning all that followed. 

9. What I'm listening to...
Rachel Platten's song is my favorite right now. I wrote down a couple lyrics in my planner and use it on my long runs.

10. What I'm wearing...
I love the C9 shorts from Target. They're great for chasing and playing around with the boys and amazingly comfortable for running, yet cheap!

11. What I'm doing this weekend...
Hosting a yard sale and making sure the Man relaxes on Sunday!

12. What I'm looking forward to next month...
Tucker is in his first year of baseball, there are a lot of games coming up next month. I'm so excited to see him growing into his own and making friends. 

13. What else is new...
Shoe shopping! Some nice, tan sandals would be great but it's time for a new pair of running shoes! While I hate spending the money, I love knowing that wore out another pair!
14.  What are we doing this July 4th?
A parade, catching up with family, and ending with local fireworks.

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