It has come to my attention that you have weaseled your way into my sixth graders bodies. My once semi-sweet (
okay they at least tried to be) students have turned into happy and sad, hitting, hugging, "kick me" sign posting, pencil
tossing, love note writing,
boyfriend wanting, girl dodging middle
This is worse than the swine flu. Worse than sorority house full of
PMSing girls. Today one of my sweet girls literally walked in my door complaining, by snack she was happy, after PE right back to whining, after school she walked out the door and pushed a boy across the sidewalk. Her and I will be chatting tomorrow about how to deal with you hormones.
Hormones that don't belong in my students yet. You could have at least waited until later in the year- maybe the last day of school, at the earliest spring break. But really, BEFORE Thanksgiving.
Geez hormones- I got enough of my own to deal with. Now multiply that by 22.
I had a rough and tough boy today tell me he likes sitting by my desk during homework time so I can be all his for when he has questions.
AAAAHHHH!!! Somewhat
frightening*** In other news: Stay tuned for my current
obsession this weekend.***