About Me

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I'm a mid twenties girl. Who has the cutest two boys ever. I'm married to the best hubby ever (aka the Man). I'm also a teacher of sixth grade with a masters degree in Education. I'd rather be busy than bored. I love things bright and beautiful and my family means the world to me.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Quick Randoms of what's in the works.

  • Last week I made a Halloween wreath with ribbon, I love it and hate it at the same time.
  • The SILHOUETTE is up and running, so I have a few creations to show off.
  • The Man and I started P90X this week. It hurts a tiny bit to sit here and type.
  • My room was set up and ready to go before my team mates, all of them. Now, I'm not trying to brag, I'm just pointing out that last year when I was very meticulous about putting away and storing my classroom and they made fun I had a MUCH easier time getting everything back out and up.
  • To make my Silhouette feel as loved as it truly is I had to find a good desk, an old desk!
  • I've started to follow a weekly outfit post that will hopefully start tomorrow.
  • Tomorrow is a full, super full day. The first few hours will be spent in a workshop meeting, then the new sixth graders come in for a whole day retreat, including lunch AND dinner followed by "Meet the Teacher". 13 hours total tomorrow- WELCOME BACK TO US!
  • My room is ready to go, which means pictures to come.
So this is all in the works, pretty much have written posts that I've started when I have a few minutes. Hopefully after tomorrow I can get at least one done and posted, fingers crossed.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I just don't think I'd like to be God.

Do you ever catch yourself saying the oddest things to your child? This past week I was lucky enough to spend some highly valuable time with my favorite four year old. These are somethings I found myself saying-
  • No, I'm pretty sure cops don't arrest animals.
  • Well, I'm sorry I'm not God. Even though I could eat whatever I want. If I was, then I couldn't be your mom.
  • No, you can not put Lego stickers on the desks. (we were in my classroom)
  • Sorry I can't ask Dad to buy you a dirt bike- I said no and that means Dad does too.
  • Having a baby sister does not mean you get to hit her back if she starts it.
  • Because naps help you grow JUST as much as vitamins.
  • Cauliflower is the same as broccoli just white.
  • Even if the baby hits you first you CAN'T hit them back.
  • No dinosaurs didn't use to sing.
  • Nope, pretty sure cops can't arrest us for kissing in the driveway. ( I was kissing the Man hello)
  • Just because Grandma said you can keep a dirt bike at her house doesn't mean we're buying you one. 
  • Even if we shop at Menards we won't save enough for a dirt bike in a week. (their slogan is "Save big money, shop Menards", it's a home improvement store)
  • Thank you for cleaning off the table where you ate. Where did the crumbs go? On the floor? Wow, good idea thanks bud!
  • If I don't wash your shirt the dirt will start to disinigrate it.
  • Fine, call Grandpa. He doesn't care if I kiss your dad outside. Well, maybe call Grandma.
  • Nope, we can't have a baby that will never cry. Sorry pal.
  • I'm not sure if your baby sitter is taking request for your future kids, but I'll ask next time we chat.
So clearly we talk about a baby too much in front Tucker, that or he just really wants a sibling now that my niece has her own sibling. He's also wanting a dirt bike SO bad- NOT HAPPENING! He's obsessed with our neighbor who's a cop and after seeing his hand cuffs is fixated on arresting someone. Tell me I'm not the only crazy talking mama out there!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Where do the days go...

Um, so back to TEACHER Bi-WEEK! I took some time to hang out with Tucker and do some crafty things around the house. Something was also delivered to the house that  was quite the distraction, in the most wonderful and life-altering ways, of which I will blog about sometime soon.

Today I headed in to school to start the work on my room. It's the same room from last year but due to summer maintenance we have to completely disassemble it before checking out for the summer. This is what I came back to find:
I was short desks again this year- this time only 5 compared to 15 last year! After talking to my teammates who are each missing 1, they may be in storage. Fingers crossed, last year half my class sat in high school desks meaning NO storage, seats attached, and crap all over the floor (there is honestly no nicer way to put it). After working with assistance from Tucker for about an hour and a half, we left the room looking like this:

One wall is pretty much done. Actually now that I examine my TO-Do list I realize I haven't hung my calendar or created my planner board. Don't you love the big bulletin boards? I forgot my tape measure so I estimated how much paper I would need- I was WAY off. I didn't even cover the top layers of either boards.

I ended up chatting with my team mates quickly and digging out some copies I wanted to get started so today wasn't a big day. Hopefully tomorrow or Friday turns out more productive. Tonight I'm heading to see Eat, Pray, Love- so very excited!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Teacher Week Day 2

Every teacher has their own "must haves". Things that we swear by or must have in our desk at all time. Here are a few of my items that I must have each year.

I am a Post-It note freak! I love all shapes, sizes, and colors. *This is not my collection, however I would love to have it all!
 Markers. I won't lie that I have a hidden set in my desk every year. I would have an idea in mind of something I wanted to write and there wouldn't be that color in our class boxes- this prevents that frustration. 

I use a lot of double sided tape for posters and signs around the room. This year I'm also going to use hot-glue to keep my posters up on the wall. *Make sure you okay this with your maintenance staff, I was at one school that was VERY strict on what you put on the walls or floors.
I love using bins. I have some labeled for markers, glue, scissors, and other "tools" that I keep in a cupboard for the students. I also learned while student teaching that they are great for planning. If you have one bin for each day you can stick the copies or supplies you need for the lessons planned for that day and each morning you just take out that bin. I've bought bigger bins that hold my copies or folders with cramping them together. 

I'm sure there are tons of other things I love to have, colored pens are great for grading, and I still love putting on stickers- 6th graders still LOVE them!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Teacher Week!

I love that Abby over at Babbling Abby is dedicating a week to teachers. Being a teacher is one of the greatest opportunities I've ever received. I love what I do and love meeting others with the same passion. Without further ado, let the week begin (yes I know its Tuesday I might end up a day behind or double up one day.)

10 Things About Me
1. I graduated from Winona State University with a degree in K-8 Elementary Education. Throughout my schooling I completed over 150+ hours in different classrooms. Because of this experience I hope to teach at least a full year in all of these grades. Each level had such an amazing difference, from content to maturity. I student taught in kindergarten and fifth grade and I LOVED both so much.

2. I continued on to get my Master's Degree in Elementary Ed. I went to school for two summers and taught fifth grade in between. It was my first year teaching and I can't believe how much I learned. An adviser recommended a journal and I'm so glad I did it, I've looked back on it a lot and it wasn't even that long ago. 

3. I am currently teaching sixth grade at a high school building. Which reminds me often why I love, love elementary. High school is just a different breed. 

4. I attended a seminar this summer on teaching science through inquiry with a team mate and by the second day we wanted to change the entire year of science. The technique is so awesome and with the right planning you can get students thoughts more incorporated in daily lessons and state standards. 

5. I don't think parents or people outside the school system have any idea about how much it takes to plan a day, week, or unit. They don't understand that teachers don't get a day to hide out at their desk if they're in a bad mood. I love how people will tell you that they appreciate teachers but when it comes to actually supporting them, they're no where to be found.

6. Tucker will be in kindergarten next year which excites me and scares me at the same time. I will most likely never get to go on a field trip with him or be a "room mom". I'm worried about him being a "teacher's son" and what that brings with it. I wonder how he'll feel as he gets older.

7. I truly have a passion for learning. I love when my students teach me something that they've learned or know. I know every child is capable of learning and that every child learns uniquely. Planning for those differences can take a lot of time but in the end its about the students and their needs.

8. I LOVE MATH! LOVE IT! I could teach it ALL day long. It kills me that students hate math sometimes. You can have so, so much fun with it. I love teaching it and doing it. I still avoid using a calculator if I don't have to- which drives the Man crazy!

9. I also have a secret addiction to children's lit. I think our librarian loves that I take all these books home to Tucker when really I love to read them over and over as much as he does. They end happily and the illustrations are so fun to look at. 

10. As of right now the only things ready for the school year are my students name tags. I haven't been out to my room ( I teach 20 minutes away) since I left it at the end of the year. Next week is my official "go time". We don't start workshops until the last week of August so please don't think I'm not doing anything until the last minute. This summer I focused more on curriculum and finding outside sources that my students would enjoy more. 

Happy Teacher's Week!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Only one more month!

This is our last month of summer together, at least this years. How I will miss mornings made up of this:
We wake up, have some breakfast, and maybe some cartoons with a side of Legos. Legos have become HUGE in our house this summer. I love the fact that in the morning he still looks my little guy who doesn't mind a little cuddle before breakfast and likes to think of rhyming words. But by the time the Man gets home my babe is a little man who wants to ride his bike with no hands and follow his dad around or wrestle.

Next year we'll be planning for kindergarten- where did the time go? One more month to get my little boy fix, just the two of us before heading back to school. Any other mamas out there wondering where your "baby" went?