About Me

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I'm a mid twenties girl. Who has the cutest two boys ever. I'm married to the best hubby ever (aka the Man). I'm also a teacher of sixth grade with a masters degree in Education. I'd rather be busy than bored. I love things bright and beautiful and my family means the world to me.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

37 Weeks!!


How Far Along? 37 weeks today!
Size of out sweet lil' man?  a watermelon until the end!!
Maternity Clothes? Could there be anything else?
Weight Gain? At my appointment yesterday I found out the number... the total gained number, okay I really just sat there and did my own math. Luckily this guy is so worth it and more, but not much more ;)
Stretch Marks? Yep, might as well be honest right?
Gender? Boy, boy, oh boy!! 
Sleep? Hit and miss still, I crash easily when I hit the bed, but usually at 4 I'm up for an hour or two laying, thinking, planning..... just like last week
Food Cravings? not really this week
What I Miss? Running,running, deep breaths, and even fast paced walking
Symptoms? The nesting feelings have all set in, but with room arrangements and space, plus energy level it's not all getting done, unless you count nesting in my classroom
Belly Button? Popped!!
Best Moment of the Week? My sub is hired! The crib was moved upstairs and I've been picking things up that we need for the hospital and first few weeks. Just looking at our semi-packed bags is exciting!

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