I thought I had my posts set to post of the right day.... I was wrong! Here are some of the days. I'm not going to post them all.
Day 7, Tuesday: The thing(s) you're most afraid of
I could be girly and say something like snakes. I really do hate them. But an animal I really, really dislike- deer.
Deer freak me out! Not kidding here, the way they stare, just bothers me so much. I get tense even driving by them, live ones of course. I don't remember being afraid of them when I was little, its something that has built over time especially since I've spent more time out in the country with the Man. He, by the way, thinks its completely ridiculous and gets a good laugh out of it.
Day 9, Thursday: A moment in your day (this can be just a photo o
both a photo and words)
My most favorite time of day occurs only on the weekends now or snow days. I'm counting down the days until summer to get more of this in.
My cuddle time with this guy is the BEST! Tucker is "too old to cuddle", it's more like he doesn't want to sit still during the day long enough, so this little guy and I get to snuggle up for nap time. I know I wont get this time forever so I'm soaking it all up!
Day 12, Sunday: What do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time of your life...)
Not going to lie, some days I miss my Ol' Kentucky Home.
I miss the people. I miss the slow, more relaxed pace that people tend to follow. I miss the friendliness, and southern hospitality. I miss the sweet tea. I miss being around for the Derby and Thunder Over Louisville. I love my life her in the north, and everything I've been blessed with, but every now and then and little piece of the south makes me homesick.
Day 13, Monday: Issue a public apology. This can be as funny or as serious or as creative as you want it to be.
I'm sorry for all the doubt. I'm saying this to myself. I'm sorry for not feeling like a stronger person. I'm sorry for not standing up for myself, my team mates, or my students at school. I'm sorry for not sitting down with the boys and giving them the one on one attention they deserve. I'm sorry for not giving the Man the time he needs. I'm sorry for going on, and on, and on about my day because it just makes me feel so much better once it's all out. I'm sorry about worrying so much about what others think. I'm sorry for holding things back because I worry about others reactions.
I'm not sorry for realizing this and knowing that it may or may not ever change.
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