About Me

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I'm a mid twenties girl. Who has the cutest two boys ever. I'm married to the best hubby ever (aka the Man). I'm also a teacher of sixth grade with a masters degree in Education. I'd rather be busy than bored. I love things bright and beautiful and my family means the world to me.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

25 Weeks!

Oh baby boy you are coming fast! Could be two pounds this week and over a foot in length, my goodness!
How Far Along? 25 weeks, 15 to go- yikes!
Size of baby boy? Eggplant this week.
Maternity Clothes? Pretty much all maternity, finally got some maternity denim!!
Weight Gain? 16 pounds I think, I should get back on track with my walking but it's hard when its cold outside, I'm starting to really miss running.
Stretch Marks? So far nothing new, fingers crossed and lotion on.
Gender? Another boy for our house!
Movement? Still mornings and evenings, occasionally I feel him throughout the night
Sleep? I'm usually up for a random hour each night, and my hip pain causes lots of movement, luckily we have a king and the Man seems to sleep through it
Food Cravings? No really, with the holidays there was too much to pick from anyway
What I Miss? Running and margaritas, I don't even like them that much but they just sound so good.
Symptoms? Hello back pain!! It hits right about 4 in the afternoon and throughout the night until I crash, it's really quite lovely let me tell ya!
Best Moment of the Week?  Tucker is really curious about the baby and what it will be like when he gets here. My favorite quote from him was, "When he gets here, I'm going to love him a whole lot!"

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Wish list- the Boys

The Man can be a tough one to shop for. He's picky when it comes to clothes, I've gotten to the point where I have him try it on, then wrap it!
But here are some of his favorites this year:
This sweatshirt is so perfect! It's very comfy and warm, a must for our freezing winters.

This shirt is a great deal, $30 and he can layer it or through it on under a vest . And it comes in tons of colors.

This gift isn't exactly a steal, but its one I keep hearing about. A Bose home theater system. Our current one "just isn't cutting it" I guess- MEN!!
Tucker is your typical six year old who's list covers toys, toys, and more toys.
This site has been visited a lot this season to help us build our wishlist, including these three:

And we can't leave out this amazing guy!
For baby boy, of course he has a list, just a few things he's had his mama's help finding.
It's too early to pick these up, but I can't wait for next year.I love Old Navy and Carter's!

A baby can never have too many of these!

We never needed on of these with Tucker so I'm still up in the air if 'lil man will.

I love, love these!! And they're super easy to make, just a fun, cheap onesie.