About Me

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I'm a mid twenties girl. Who has the cutest two boys ever. I'm married to the best hubby ever (aka the Man). I'm also a teacher of sixth grade with a masters degree in Education. I'd rather be busy than bored. I love things bright and beautiful and my family means the world to me.

Blog Archive

Friday, August 14, 2015

Five on Friday!

Only two more Fridays until I'm back to work, actually one since today is about done. I'm linking up with April for Five on Friday! Ready, set, go!
5. I'm starting up an Etsy shop. I've been playing with making some tassel necklaces and when I wear them I get compliments. I figured I'd give it a try. If I sell only one I'll still be pretty pumped. The shop is called SillySalleyCreations and will hopefully be up and running this weekend.
4. These Joules rain boots were on Zulily this week and I emailed my mama right away to request them for my birthday. Fingers crossed she snatched them up.
3. We're taking the boys to this movie this weekend. I purposely waited in hopes that the theater will be pretty empty since it's Ryker's first movie. I'm guessing he'll get a little squirmy so we'll see if we can stay the whole time or end up hanging out outside. 

2. I've mentioned this before, it was something we were considering. Two and a half months ago I worked out our budget. We had figured our debt snowball in January but a budget was our next step. For the last two months and on we've been following it. We recently took a weekend trip with the boys and paid cash, we track our spending, and are more accountable with where our money is going. I hope to write more on it later

1. My new classroom needs some attention. I've been in lots of meetings and have had the boys up at my school about five times now but all that keeps happening is me taking things out of drawers, cabinets, and closets. My teammates are so great, and keep sharing files (stories, lessons, assessments, etc.) but I haven't had the time to get things in the room going. I did clear out over 10 years worth of old yearbooks stashed throughout the storage area. Hopefully Sunday the Man is going to keep the boys and I'm going to hang out and get some stuff done. 

Have a great weekend!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Currently August!

I'm linking up again with Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for the monthly catch up.

Listening: I am blessed with some amazing boys that play together so well! Throughout the day I hear so many different motor sounds, sirens, and war cries. They're hilarious and have really done well this summer.

Loving: We're hoping to paint the bathroom and I'm slowly changing our living room decor

Thinking: I've been in my classroom a little bit and have a better understanding of how much space I have. Not everything that I've had in previous classrooms is needed in high school, and I have a classroom versus the small office space like last year. I want to figure out what's needed and have it ready to go set up my room.

Wanting: I've met with my team mates at school, the Man helped me do my bulletin boards and drop off a load of things, the boys have run around exploring all the space, but never just time to get some solid work done.

Needing: While I'm super close with my contractor/ handyman, he's my dad, material doesn't come free. While we have no desire to finish our whole basement, we do have Tucker's room nearly set but I'd like to get his window framed. The playroom is also downstairs and I'd like to put some drywall around the bottom half.

B2S RAK: I definitely want to show my gratitude this year to my team mates this year. They've already been so amazing and generous. I hope to drop little thank you notes or sweet surprises as a thank you.

Happy August!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Job changes!

I'm on the Move!

I might have mentioned it before, maybe, but the school I've been teaching at for the last six years was about a 25 minute drive away. Definitely not horrible, but also not convenient if I ever forgot anything or just wanted to work at school for a little bit. I also knew that there wouldn't be a lot of movement within the district. There are only two buildings and if I were to head back into a classroom I think it would come with mixed criticism from some of my colleagues. While I loved some of the staff, our building wasn't very supportive. I know that everyone had the same goal of teaching students but we just struggled with our overall culture. My administrators always had my back and supported me, I loved our students and parents so the decision to move was always wavering.

Except when it came to the school district close to our home. While it isn't our local district, it's so close. Seven minutes close! There are a lot benefits to the district, not only for me but for the boys too. They offer more sports and their academics are driven.

I'm excited for a new challenge, but I'm worried about meeting the level of rigor that the school strives for. I'm teaching an English 9 class for 25 lowest achieving students, a accelerated English 10 class, then a couple electives.

 I know I can pick up the classes, the curriculum piece at least I know will come. I'm worried about my adjustment to teaching high school classes full time. I popped into a few classes last year and led some lessons, but this is different. I'm also going to be working on some college credits because I'm teaching on a variance. When I applied I was under the idea that I was licensed to teach English at the high school level, I was told that by our state licensing last year, however it turns out I'm only licensed to teach Reading. So I'm waiting to hear from two universities that I've attended. Hopefully plenty of my previous credits will count and I don't have to start over.

Either way this is a huge benefit for our family and I'm excited for the future! Onto bigger and better!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What's Up Wednesday!

I saw this a few times at Mix and Match Mama with Shay and Pinterest Told Me to with Scheaffer, today I decided to play along. 
1. What we're eating this week...
Ryker and I headed to the zoo so we had to make a pit stop on the way home for a yummy treat! So refreshing!

2. What I'm reminiscing About...
This week I signed a contract for a new teaching position in a different district. I plan on dedicating a separate post to the topic but I'm very excited yet it was tough to pack up and move after six years.

3. What I'm loving...
Summer! I'm a teacher, I'm straight up loving summer!
4. What we've been up to...

This weekend!! Clearing out some space and hopefully getting rid of a lot. 

5. What I'm dreading...
Nothing really, I'm hoping for some relaxation and continued good fortune. 
6. What I'm working on...
I meet with my new team mate tomorrow and she's going to go over my new classes and schedule, then I'm sure I'll be hitting the books!

7. What I'm excited about...
The Man has an interview early next week and some things in the works. I'm excited for him and some changes in his future. 

8. What I'm watching/reading...
I'm still working on this book, nonfiction always seems to take me longer. What I've read so far is so different from what was published early on. I was so young when it happened that I didn't follow the story for long and now I'm learning all that followed. 

9. What I'm listening to...
Rachel Platten's song is my favorite right now. I wrote down a couple lyrics in my planner and use it on my long runs.

10. What I'm wearing...
I love the C9 shorts from Target. They're great for chasing and playing around with the boys and amazingly comfortable for running, yet cheap!

11. What I'm doing this weekend...
Hosting a yard sale and making sure the Man relaxes on Sunday!

12. What I'm looking forward to next month...
Tucker is in his first year of baseball, there are a lot of games coming up next month. I'm so excited to see him growing into his own and making friends. 

13. What else is new...
Shoe shopping! Some nice, tan sandals would be great but it's time for a new pair of running shoes! While I hate spending the money, I love knowing that wore out another pair!
14.  What are we doing this July 4th?
A parade, catching up with family, and ending with local fireworks.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Summer reading!

I love our public library! I made a list throughout the year of books suggested by others or that I saw so that I could stock up. I have a line up for requested books and the first five were ready for pick up last week. 

First, The Glass Castle, this was a pretty quick read. I started it Wednesday evening and finished it throughout a long car ride Thursday. Jeannette Walls is a correspondent for MSNBC and the book is all about her crazy upbringing. Some of the stories are so crazy and hard to believe. Her family moved around a lot and saying they didn't have a lot is an understatement. It's hard to believe that she was able to achieve all that she has, but family is family and she shows an interesting take on why kids behave the way they do and continue to thrive.

Second, Columbine, Dave Cullen was a journalist that was one of the first to report on the high school tragedy. After years of research from all the compiled interviews, evidence, work with law enforcement, and more Cullen has shred more light on the situation and all the false reporting that occurred. This book pooped up on my suggested reading list and I intrigued. When I picked it up the Man was interested right away and it's become a book we read together. It's interesting to look at from my view point as a mom and teacher, while he reads it as a father and law enforcement point of view. There are so many procedures in schools today that came from this tragedy. While it's very tragic, the research and truth puts a different light on what really transpired.

Third, Eleanor and Park, Rainbow Rowell was suggested by an English teacher I work with. We were considering it briefly for a new novel in the tenth grade. While it didn't make that cut, I was interested in it. From what I've seen it's a teen love story and a modern day Romeo and Juliet but less death.

Fourth, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, by Ransom Riggs as been a book I've picked up a couple of times to read but never started. A student stopped me towards the end of the school year to ask if I've read it and was pretty crestfallen when I said no. Therefore, it must be good!

Meanwhile, Mr. Lemoncello's Library, by Chris Grabenstein was pointed out by the elementary reading interventionist. Tucker and I are going to read it together for fun.

Any recommendations?

Monday, June 1, 2015

Currently June!

I'm linking up with Farley again! Be sure to check her out and all the other links at Oh' Boy 4th Grade!

Listening: I love the wedding scenes at the beginning of the movie, they're so pretty! I also have someone curled right up next to me who was just saying, "I not ty-red mama." That same person is out cold, snoring, and I'm pretty sure drooling on our shared blanket. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Loving: Four days left of school! Teachers keep saying how things are gearing down but I really feel the opposite. I love how my new position this year as evolved and my schedule shows that it was definitely a step in the right direction for our building.

Thinking: Today when I got to school I started my list of what has to be done by Friday, I added throughout the day but I'm pretty sure nothing was marked off. I also want to make sure that I wrap up my two classes well. The students have come so far this year and I hope they realize that.

Wanting: The last two summers I was in school. This year I want to make sure the boys enjoy our time together. We created our family summer bucket list and we love crossing things off!

Needing: I've heard so many good books are out and I'm starting a list for the library. We love, LOVE our public library. Any recommendations?

Summer lovin': The Man has a new job that ensures we'll see him A LOT more this summer! LOVE THAT! We're going to spend some days relaxing and enjoying each other. Of course summer is also a great time to go through things and purge a little.

Be sure to link up and donate for the cause!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Count it down!

This morning I woke up thinking three school days! THREE SCHOOL DAYS! 

It's too early to count down to summer, but it's not too early to count down until NYC!

Today and tomorrow are filled with state math tests for sixth grade, make-ups for other grades, schedule changes, tutoring before and after school, sub plans, meetings, and laundry. But I sort of don't care. That's lie, I really care and it's helping keep me busy rather than stare at the clock counting down the hours. Today was an insane day at school and I hit my step goal early, that's a perk!

Anyway, let's talk NYC! It's a girls weekend with my mom, cousins, and aunts, nine of us total.

I can't wait to hit:

 Central Park- I've been to the city twice but never ad a chance to walk through it.
Dylan's Candy Bar- my nephew's name is Dylan and this play is so much fun.
We're seeing a Broadway play!

 I'm SO excited about MoMA! I will go by myself if I have to!

Two more school days to go, then airport HERE WE COME!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Currently April

It's April! I thought it would never come and then all of a sudden it's here!
I'm linking up with Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade

Listening: I was super productive on our workday before break so now I'm just waiting for class to start.

Loving: Today is the first day of fourth quarter, only nine more weeks. They're going to be packed but I'm sure there will be some fun, at least I really hope so!

Thinking: In three weeks I get to head to NYC with my mama, some cousins, and aunts for an extended girls weekend. I can't wait!

Wanting: Besides the scores reflecting on our teaching practices (don't get me started on that!) we just have a lot going on with ours all being on the computer so that requires teachers to be flexible. Tensions get a little high during this "season" so it'll be nice to resume our regular schedule.

Needing: Now that it's nice outside I can start running in the morning which means getting to bed earlier. That means being proactive after school so I'm not running around at night.

Name: When I created my blog I wanted something that pertained to our lives so I thought of what occupies my time most. My husband and our two sons are my biggest priority, laundry is just something I can't get away from, and teaching is my passion. BLT came from that, which is funny because I hate the sandwich, ha!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Currently March

So I might be the last one to link up, but I'm in.

Listening- I love Christian Bale, he plays the part so well and is yummy looking. Of course he ahs nothing on my true love, the Man!

Loving- Today we lost a WHOLE lot of snow. It means that we're in mud season for a while but it brings us so much closer to spring. We all went for a walk this afternoon and Ryker was determined to walk, he was such a little trooper!

Thinking- I keep stalling on starting a TPT account. I need to get some last things finished up and get going! I've done a lot of research and I'm just worried someone will think I copied something or I'll put something up and not give the right person credit, or worse, no one will buy a thing.

Wanting- Tomorrow night is conferences so we have Friday off. I'm putting some finishing touches on my spring cleaning list, it's 3 pages typed, but includes every room. I love printing it twice a year and working on it piece by piece.

Needing- Ryker is 3 next month! Three years old!!!! The theme will be "Where the Wild Things Are". I can't wait to have fun planning this one!

Spring Break Plans- We really just get an extended Easter break, but I head to NYC later that month so I want to make sure everything is set for the boys and I've got my packing things all figured out.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Job title

I am so in love with my new job this year. I completed my Reading Certificate in August, but I knew at the end of the school year I was switching to a new position. I left a classroom and moved to an office. A windowless, three chairs,  used to be the "calm down room" office. I've slowly made it mine but you really can't hide the pipes in the corner (I'm not taking a picture, because the space can't dampen my love).

From our initial conversation to today, my job has changed. I already have ideas of how I'd like to tweak it for next year! My job has two parts I am a Literacy Specialist and the Reading Interventionist for our 6-12 building.

I started the year working with our Social Studies and PE/Health PLC's to ensure they were implementing the reading and writing standards within the content areas. While one group has said they are assigning lots of various writing I've started to realize that they're standard of writing and where our district hopes for them to be don't align. Currently, I've also been helping our English department work on the Essential Outcomes, which will hopefully progress to assessment and intervention planing based on those scores.

I have been working closely with a 12th grade teacher and his class to adjust the content to hit the needs he has encountered with his group. We had to really look at the books he preferred to teach, then find additional resources that could replace them because they weren't right for the class. I've also been working with him to have more writing work.

I feel like I am going to be comfortable looking at our results from this year's testing and then addressing our staff as to what we should focus on and do to ensure we meet our district goals. We have some great teachers in our building but I don't feel that we're hitting what we need to the best of our abilities.

After all the research and additional text I've been finding I've really fallen in love with teaching reading. What many see as a basic skill can be so hard for some students. What's even more worrisome is that we have students that have fallen through the cracks for many years, hit high school, and just can't do. I don't think any one specific grade or teacher is to blame. I have seen so many victories from teachers who work together. This year has really allowed me to branch out and really have fun again at work. Bring on the second half of the year!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Let's read something this year!

I saw this and fell in love with the idea. The goal is to read 26 books in 2016.

From their Facebook page, I saw a link to a book mark that could be interesting and a helpful reminder. So I hope to keep updating this list throughout the year, I got started already and packed a bunch of reading since New Years. I will try to add a link to where you can get the book. Are you game?
  1. A book you own but haven't read
  2. A book that was made into a movie
  3. A book you pick solely because of the cover
  4. A book your friend loves
  5. A book published this year
  6. A book by an author you've never read before
  7. A book by an author you love- "The Longest Ride" by Nicholas Sparks 

  8. A book at the bottom of your "to be read" pile
  9. A book with a color in the title
  10. A book set somewhere you've always wanted to visit
  11. A book you started but never finished
  12. A book with a lion, a witch, or a wardrobe
  13. A book with a female heroine
  14. A book set in the summer
  15. A book of poems
  16. A book you learned about because of this challenge
  17. A book that will make you smarter
  18. A book with a blue cover
  19. A book you were supposed to read in school, but didn't
  20. A book "everyone" has read
  21. A book with a great first line
  22. A book with pictures
  23. A book from the library "The One and Only" by Emily Griffin
  24. A book you loved... read it again!
  25. A book that is more than 10 years old
  26. A book based on a true story

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Currently January

I'm linking up with Farley and so many other teachers for the first Currently of the year! Make sure to check it out! 

Listening- Luckily with all this time off the boys are getting along well. Ryker is becoming very two and moody. Tucker likes to push his buttons so it can be pretty interesting sometimes, tonight they're doing well.

Loving- The last few breaks we've either had a lot of snow or the Man has been super busy at work. This year we got to see him a whole lot. He and I caught up on some movies, he took Tucker ice skating, they all wrestled at any free second, and he just plain for to relax with us.

Thinking-  One of my goals is to open a TPT store. I feel like I have plenty of material to put on their  but they need more work before I commit. When I start making them buyer ready I start to doubt myself and worry that some other teacher will think I copied or that it's really crap.  I just have to stop letting my worry get in the way.

Wanting- 'nough said!

Needing- I have some last minute things I want to make sure get done before Monday, so I always start with my favorite thing,  A LIST!

YES! I'm going to comment on more blogs, meet up with more people around my area, and make some more teaching friends.
MAYBE- I'm working with some teachers this year in my new position that I haven't worked with before, hopefully I can inspire them to try something new.
I WISH! Some things are in the works for the Man and I just really hope that it all works out and he loves it.

Five on Friday (kind of)

Hey it's Saturday, which means I should get going on Five on Friday.

Link up with these ladies for some friend.

5. Christmas 
We were blessed with many gifts this year, the boys will definitely be set in the clothing department. A few things Santa brought were a beanbag, books, bike, and stuffed stockings for the boys. They were very content.

4. Teaching goal
My goal this year is to put myself out there more. Both in the real world and online, I'm working on starting up a TPT store and hope to build more connections both locally and farther away.  Stayed tuned for more news on that hopefully.

3. Personal Goal

I worked a lot over break and throughout the last year to really examine where our money is going. From that and from doing some research of the Dave Ramsey materials the Man and I are really going to focus on spending our money right. We have goals set for ourselves and have completed Baby step #1, only we felt comfortable with a different number so we saved a little more.

2. Questioning the future
Another discussion that we had, on Christmas Eve actually, was about baby #3. I brought it up and we had an honest discussion about it. I hadn't realized how much I really planned for a third baby, how much I had built the idea up in my head. As we discussed our goals and where we saw ourselves and when, some things would really need to change for it to be feasible to have a third. Needless to say, I was a little sad over Christmas, then mad at myself for being so greedy and unappreciative of the two blessings we already have. I gave myself a few days to find peace and re-examine my perspective. It's not to say that it definitely won't happen but it's closer to not than will happen.

1. Hitting the pavement

I got some new running pants and today was a gorgeous day to try them out. It was the best run I've had in a really long time. I only went a total of two miles but I felt great the whole time, did some stretching when I got home, and even now still feel really good.

Happy 2015!