About Me

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I'm a mid twenties girl. Who has the cutest two boys ever. I'm married to the best hubby ever (aka the Man). I'm also a teacher of sixth grade with a masters degree in Education. I'd rather be busy than bored. I love things bright and beautiful and my family means the world to me.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Too cute!

So I'm a mama, it's my right to brag about the cuteness of my almost, too soon to be four-year-old.
Sunday night my brother and family came over. We are smitten by our new nephew, he's my baby fix for the time being. When saying goodbye T told him, "I love you cousin T (different T). you are a special gift from God. and I love you with my whole heart." Keep in mind that he goes to a church preschool we spend a lot of time talking about God.

While in the car yesterday Shakira's song "She Wolf" came on. T asked what's wrong with the girl singing. Why does she breath funny? and proceeded to mimics her short, raspy, breathing, thing she does. Did she just get done running?

He was really concerned about her. Then went on to ask why she howls like a puppy, does she think she's a puppy? Do I know if she has a puppy? It was quite the conversation on our way to Target.

Our household has been pretty busy lately. This Friday we're having a Halloween birthday party for T. We figured it would give him another chance to wear his costume and it spreads out our fall activities. His actual birthday is November 12th but with a party then and the Thanksgiving, it feels like we never recover until after New Years. I can not wait to decorate and set up. We didn't go quite as big as I would love to because we're working on sticking to a budget- which I can do (maybe).

I'm thinking about doing Jillian's shred again. I never did the actual 30 days. I spaced mine out, did each week a bit longer. But I felt really good afterwards. So I think I might hit it up again before the crazy holiday season begins.

Stay tuned on some goodies I'm working on. I've decided to make all of our bows, tags, and Christmas cards this year. Yep- I'm Crazy! But I do get a nice Christmas break being a teacher- WOO HOO!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Rain, Rain

Go away already! Hahaha, but really it's been gloomy lately. Show me some sun! Honestly, I'd rather have our snow back, it's pretty when it falls and doesn't damage your air too much.

So I was going to write about another FABULOUS giveaway last night, but hubby was late getting home so we didn't get back from my in-laws until later. Anywho, one of my favorite blogging moms (she's a teacher too!) is having a fab giveaway. You MUST check out-
She is giving away a super fab, super cute, super handy diaper (but really any type of day out) bag. Polka dots and green, be still me heart!!! So go check her out. Be sure to also read up on her coupon/ shopping to save tips. Through her and some other thrifty, budget friendly mom bloggers, I've been able to slowly add extra dough to our new home fund. LOVE THAT!
I'm so excited it's Friday. My kids are being awesome today, which totally rocks my mood and day. I work tonight and tomorrow morning at Gap, apparently we're trying a special promo strictly for our store to monitor some of in-coming traffic. So we're getting buzz that this weekend could be super busy. Extra hours, means extra cash. The best part is I'm going in earlier tomorrow so I don't have to miss any afternoon fun time with the boys, I do miss out on a little sleep-in time though- oh well. More dough for the new house fund. It's crazy how bad I'm looking forward to a house I've probably never seen or looked at. It's the idea of it that makes me giddy!!
So happy weekend to you all! Halloween is just 8 days away- CRAZY!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Young Love

A cute little excerpt from a conversation I had yesterday.

Remember I teach sixth grade, so there's a lot of young love budding everyday. I had a student come inside during recess and ask to talk to me alone. I immediately think the worst. Some other student has done something, there's a problem at home, something major that would have her skip her sacred recess time to come talk to me on her own.

A little background on this student, she's super cute, a little loud, funny, a little spacey but overall very nice. She is a little chunky but it seems more like "baby love" that she hasn't grown out of. Such a sweetie, a total sixth grade catch if you ask me, but I'm just her teacher so I think that about most of my kids.

Anyways, she comes in pulls up a chair and says, "I need to know more about love. My mom isn't giving my what I need."

Me: "Okay, do you want a hug? I don't think I can tell you I love you everyday, but you I care about you."

Student: "Um, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about real love. Dreamy boyfriend, I can't stop staring at him love. He's the cutest boy in sixth grade, I really love him. "

Me: "Oh, student! Isn't that the best kind of love? It really is. But I hate to tell you that right now, what it really is, is a crush."

Student: "No, no it's not. That's what my mom says. I really care, I care how he does at football. I like to talk about his family, what he had for dinner. Yesterday I even asked about his snake. I HATE snakes."

Me: "Okay, I'm going to be blunt for times sake. You're in sixth grade, you think its love. It feels like love. But really, you just really like him. You'd like him to be more than a friend right?"

Student: "Yep, but I'm thinking he just wants to be friends. Stupid boy."

Me: "Um, no calling other people stupid. But at this age friends are best. Wait for love, it'll come. who knows, maybe you'll be best friends through middle school and then in high school he'll fall head over heels for ya."

Student: "Did that happen to you and your husband?"

Me: "Nope, I met him during college. I had crushes in school a couple boyfriends in high school but nothing serious and for sure it wasn't love. I didn't know that then, but I know now. It's worth waiting for, you know. "

Student: "Well if (the guy) doesn't want me now. I'm moving on, I'm done asking questions about snakes, who likes them anyway? Stupid boys. Thanks! See ya."

And she was gone. I laughed aloud after this one. I remember being so "crazy in love" when I was younger. Did you have one of those crushes? where you think you'll never survive without seeing them or talking to them that day? So funny how life works out.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


While catching up on my blogs, two of my fav's are doing giveaways. Check them both out-

- You can also click on her MBR button some where on my page. Sorry, I would love to be descriptive but I'm still playing with my blog setup so some things aren't going to were I want them.

More to come tomorrow morning.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Not me Monday!

Yes, two Mondays in a row. I love reading what all the other parents and children did NOT do this past week. It's hilarious and another reminder that we're all human.

Lets see..

On Saturday I surely didn't let my son pick out a movie to watch in the comforts of our surround sound just so I could watch a chick flick on my own.

I would never let my son walk around Home Depot looking at every tool and gadget out there to wear him out a bit. While not doing this I would also never allow him to sit on every lawn mower they had as well.

I also would never skip on a co-workers baby shower to stay home in comfy pants and paint pumpkins with our son. Nope, I did not skip a shower just to have a PJ afternoon on our day off from school.

What did you not do this week? Check out more at http://www.mycharmingkids.net/

Monday, October 12, 2009

Not Me Monday

I love, love this post from MckMama every week. Cracks me up!

This weekend I most certainly did not tell my son that Target ran out of Dr.Pepper and that only Grandma and Grandpa can find it.

I for sure did not tell my husband that I need to answer some very important parent e-mails just so I could read blogs last night. I wouldn't do that.

I also would never tell my son that picking up pine cones (for my fall decorations) would prevent his snowmobile from getting stuck this winter.

I also did not pretend to grade papers so that I could get out watching the Twins play (lose) and listening to my family cheer and protest each call. I would never give up on the valuable family time.

There are a ton of cute ones linked on MckMama's blog. If you haven't visited her- you must stop by! http://www.mycharmingkids.net/

Goodbye Fall, Hello Winter!

See that area in light grey? That's us! Snow and ice mix throughout the day. 1-3 inches possible, however we don't have to worry about it staying because the ground isn't frozen yet. So it falls but melts. Unless it's on your car which can get down to freezing overnight and you get the joy of scraping and brushing off mother natures present. I don't mind winter. It's very pretty in the beginning. I love our first snow day! I vow to do nothing that day but play outside with our son.
It will be a while (hopefully) before we get our actual snow day. While its cold/ freezing outside it takes a while for the snow to accumulate. What's unbelievable to me is that here it is October 12 and we have snow. Growing up in Kentucky this never happened. We were lucky to have a white Christmas. We didn't usually get snow until after New Year's. People up north are all talking about having a white Halloween. How crazy is that?!?!! Weather in the north still blows my mind. It gets cold so fast. We had "Fall" weather for maybe a week, now, to me, it's winter.
So what does that mean? It means scarves, clothes, cute coats, sweaters and boots. My FAVORITEs all at once. Mind you- come March when we're getting hit again, I'll be singing a completly different tune!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Feeling much better

So I wasn't feeling to hot mentally earlier today. Instead of editing or deleting my old post, those are still goal I'm hoping to accomplish, so I'm leaving it. From 2:30 my day looked up.

I worked with a student who had been struggling with some math and he had an "ah hah!" moment. We were able to complete his entire homework assignment and he left school with a smile. A teacher can't ask for anything better.

Then my team mate apologized. She mentioned that she was out of line, she was looking in my best interest and then quickly moved on to something else. We talked about our students and the conversation went very well. She just has one of those personalities that can be hard to get used to.

After school, I got in car and played my favorite tunes. I didn't car who could see me singing , I spend half my time passing cows anyway. That for sure made me feel better. Greatest stress reliever right there!

Anyways, I'm excited to relax tonight. A new Grey's and Private Practice, plus Jim and Pam are getting married (the Office). So exciting. Enjoy your night!

Plans for next year.

I'm a very goal/ task oriented person. I make lists, I stick to them, and continuously add to them. Last night I was feeling a little frustrated. We (just me actually) met with the bank to being our home mortgage paper work. The Man was busy at work and wasn't able to make it- he also "forgot" to call and mention that.

Anyways, I started to think about what I wanted in the future, big and little. These are the ideas I've come up with- which of course are subject to some change.

  1. Put away a nice junk of money from each paycheck to reach our down payment requirement, plus keep the emergency fund substantial.

  2. Find or have a dining room table built that matches our chairs.

  3. Begin putting together our frame and picture collection. I'm looking to have this in our future home: (this is not what our home looks like, or probably will look like :))
  4. Have a yard sale- we have so much stuff it seems, maybe because of our lack of space. Either way I want some of it gone!
  5. Run a 10k, I would love, love to do the Breast Cancer- 3day walk but that takes a lot of fundraising and the Man isn't ready for another one of my conquests. 10k I can handle.
  6. Finish a cross-stitch I "gave" my parents last year for their anniversary (actually they got an empty frame with the print out of what it will look like).
  7. Craft or create more. I love art, love it, love it and I wish I took more time to create.
  8. Baby #2, I told you big and little plans here. I would love to know by the end of 2010 when and if we're having baby #2.
  9. Travel- I would love to visit the northern part of our state, being that we're so close to Canada and there are beautiful harbors up there I feel like I need to explore more of the state I live in. plau, I would love for our son to see more, he loved the Black Hills and Mt. Rushmore.
  10. Look into or start working on my reading certificate for teaching or being licensed in special ed, especially Autism. I'm extremely passionate about it and I'm sick of saying one day I'll think about pursuing it.

Just a few ideas, but a start. I would like to spend more time as a family but with the Man in school some nights it's hard. I'm going to work a little more at my part-time job to build up our savings. I just don't want anything to be at the expense of our son. He means so much and I hate that we're missing out on time with him.

Oh and of course I forgot #12- Win the lottery, be a stay at home mom and build the house of my dreams. :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

MTV- keeping ya young.

So I totally forgot what my Wednesday night show would be until last night. Duh people, of course it's nothing but:

Ruins is the newest Road Rules/ Real World Challenge set in Thailand- so beautiful! The regulars are back (which basically means broke again) and the competition has changed a bit with past winners (Champions) going against losers or newbies (Challengers). I won't recap the whole 1.5 hr long show, it'll replay probably 5 times before the next one, and I watched half while running on the treadmill so I missed the words. However, I did catch up on some fav characters:

Tanya- what's a challenge without her?!?! she's in all of them and seems to be getting "thicker" every time. Still has to fight with everyone and binge drink every night. You can tell her "life" is catching up with her, for one she's still coming on these shows years after being on Real World and still hasn't gotten her act together and gotten a real life.

Katie- the little ball of fire! She's been calm as of late, but once she gets riled up, she'll let you know. She's engaged this time, which of course makes it more interesting to see who she hooks up with.

Wes- oh Wes, this guy totally came on to settle some grudges, or beat the crap out of some people. Johanna his ex-fiance hooked up with someone else (Kenny) on the last challenge and he hasn't let go of that. He has hooked up with KellyAnn who just makes me laugh. I missed the actual words but she's still looks like someone who has no idea what's going on and loves to start trouble. Her ex is also there, he's hooked up with Johanna (awkward!!)

Kenny and the boys- there are about three or four guys that are in such a tight Bromance, really they are inseparable. They don't function without each other or make their own decisions. They come into the game ready to screw with people and return home with the bank.

I could on on the other cast members, but I'll spare you. Hubby can't believe I still watch all this MTV. He's a Discovery, Speed, Food Channel person. Not me, I love watching other peoples drama. Gives me a great reason to avoid it in my life!!