About Me

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I'm a mid twenties girl. Who has the cutest two boys ever. I'm married to the best hubby ever (aka the Man). I'm also a teacher of sixth grade with a masters degree in Education. I'd rather be busy than bored. I love things bright and beautiful and my family means the world to me.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Guilty Pleasures
10 Organizing- seriously it's sad, but I can find a way to organize ANYTHING!

9 Reality TV- love it, The Man hates it. Hence the reason we have to TV's hooked to cable

8 Celeb info- I love a good People magazine, throw in a little US. I love to see who is wearing what, who's "in love" with who, fascinating world that is constantly blown out of proportion

7 Window shopping (at least for now :) )
6 Movies in the theater with popcorn and Buncha crunch

5 Skinny caramel mochiato's, YUM!

4 The Blog World- I enjoy catching up with my favorite blogs on a semi-regular basis, its an easy way to catch up styles, products, and the lives of other mama's
3 Underwear, I love a good pair of undies with a hot little bra. Sure this is pretty much for only one guy, but be honest, when you put on a pair of sexy underoo's or lacy bra, there's a little more strut to your step

2 Sweets, mmmmmm! A yummy dessert is my favorite part of the meal. I have a terrible sweet tooth that can't be ignored for long periods of time. Cookies, cakes, bars, I don't discriminate :)

1 I absolutely love laying in bed with my hubby. It's cheesy and all but serious time can fly by and we just lay together catching up, planning, playing, whatever.

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